Feng Shui and your houseplants
So, the decision has been made; a new green Amigo is coming home with you. But which room will the plant fit best in? Bedroom, living room, bathroom or perhaps the kitchen? It is important to place your green Amigo in a place that meets its light requirements. For most plants, it is important to ensure that daylight visibly touches the plants. Photosynthesis, baby! Go to your window and pay attention to how the light falls into the room. Where does the sun shine during the day and do you perhaps have dead zones ? These are areas in your home that are close to the window but do not receive direct light. Be careful, only a few plants tolerate such low-light places. You can find out more about this in our shop under the plant descriptions.
Digression - we wanted to tell you something about Feng Shui . Do you agree that plants bring life into your home? They look pretty, they bring joy and they bring color and life into our house. Viva Tu Casa - right? In a conversation with a friend we came up with the topic of Feng Shui and she told us a few things that we would like to share with you.
Have you heard of Feng Shui ? Feng Shui , a Chinese teaching, has now spread to many other parts of the world. According to this teaching, houseplants are an express way to improve the Feng Shui energy in your home. According to the NASA Clean Air Study, houseplants are more useful than just their appearance. The NASA study found that plants play a major role in purifying indoor air by removing organic chemicals from the air we breathe.
Literally translated, Feng Shui means " Wind and water " , but the meaning goes even further. According to Chinese understanding, Feng Shui regulates the harmony between people and their environment. The furnishings and interior design have a positive or negative influence on the flow of energy (Oxford Languages ).
Reflecting mirrors, you can place them strategically to invite certain energies into your room. You can use mirrors to double and amplify. For example, if you place a mirror in your office, you can make sure that it reflects your houseplants. The plant is placed according to Feng Shui for growth and expansion and help us " break new ground " and " reach new heights " in our homes (and in our lives) . In addition, mirrors help reflect light in the room, which benefits your plants. What do you think of Feng Shui ?
What do you know about Feng Shui and have you already used it in your home? We look forward to your comment on Instagram at the following link –> Viva Tu Casa Instagram